Ethical Hacking Introduction

Its eCommerce era now, selling online and purchasing in online, so computer and internet connection to it, is necessary, when this become necessary, online threats become unavoidable. so if you learn how to prevent hacking, you can avoid the threats.

What is hacking?

we can say that accessing the system using some loopholes in the system, for what ever the purpose, without authorization and authentication, of the owner is called hacking.

Ethical Hacking

Using hacking techniques to prevent the actual hacking activities is called Ethical Hacking.
So I think you got some clarity, on what is Ethical Hacking and why you need to learn ethical Hacking.

There are different types of hacking based on the technology, and different types of hackers based on their orientation towards hacking a system.

different hacking types may be like phishing, spam, key logging, Trojan horse, worm etc. etc.

Different Types of Hackers

1.Black Hat Hacker: 

This type of hackers are more dangerous, they capable of writing their own code, making their own virus, and unstable guys, more over they only use their techniques to gain some benefits. They don't care about legal or illegal. they just crack it out, and go away. These guys come up with new techniques to hack things. These guys also called crackers.

2.Ethical Hacker: 

This type of hackers will use their techniques to prevent hacking activities from black hat Hackers. they will check the system, for vulnerabilities, and loopholes, and get them fix, to give no chance to black hat hackers. 

3.Grey Hat Hacker:

Those Hacker who is between Black hat and white hat hackers are called Grey Hat Hackers. These guys will try to hack the system without authorization, but with the intention of revealing it to owner

4.Script Kiddies:

These guys are small kids in hacking world, they will use some already generated tools to perform hacking.


 A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones and hack them instead of computers is called Phreaker.
These are the different types of hackers

           Remember Hacking is strictly illegal activity, and the one who commits for it will get punished according to the cyber crime laws.

Only ethical hacking with proper permissions is legal, and if he violate the permissions, then white hat hacker also subjected to cyber crime laws.

So that is all about over view on Ethical hacking, see you in the next post.

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